Zomato – Get free Rs.300 Zomato voucher on buying Lays-Doritos combo pack

Love Zomato? How about Rs.300 Zomato voucher free? Now buy Lays-Doritos combo pack and get Rs.300 Zomato voucher !!

lays zomato

How to Get free Rs.300 Zomato voucher on buying Lays-Doritos combo? :

  1. Visit the nearest Tata STAR stores or Supermarket

2. Buy the Lays-Doritos combo pack like in the above picture with the offer mentioned

3. You will find the voucher code in the wrapper

3. Collect the bill from the store

4. Visit here and enter all the details and upload the bill and submit

5. Done !! You will receive Rs.100 Zomato voucher. Repeat the above process 2 more times.

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